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Our Team

Meet Our Team
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows Cartan to rapidly deploy innovative solutions for our clients.
Anna Morel
Anna Morel
Austin McLaughlin
Austin McLaughlin
Assistant Web3 Financial Consultant
Brandon Caruana
Brandon Caruana
Brian Tang, CFA
Brian Tang, CFA
Chelsea  Taylor
Chelsea Taylor
Web3 Project Manager
Fawne Taylor
Fawne Taylor
Project Manager
Igor Nyshchota
Igor Nyshchota
Software Developer
Ivan Andrusenko
Ivan Andrusenko
Software Developer
Karen Kersey
Karen Kersey
Chief Operating Officer
Michael Volynets
Michael Volynets
Software Developer
Nazar Lutsyk
Nazar Lutsyk
Software Developer
Rachel Hartley
Rachel Hartley
Quality Assurance Engineer
Richelle Hew
Richelle Hew
Creative Designer
Ruben Falcon
Ruben Falcon
Systems Engineer
Sameer Patel
Sameer Patel
Web3 Financial Consultant
Sasha  Zadolynnyi
Sasha Zadolynnyi
Software Developer
Savina Taylor
Savina Taylor
Office Manager
Zé Alves
Zé Alves
Web3 Financial Consultant